Keeper of the Secret
In a land where free speech is against the norm, one is forced to keep their beliefs secret
These convictions linger in the heart anxious to be let out..
Yet they are sealed within this marvellous chamber
Belief is strengthened, hearts are engraved
One seems to think herself as a 'keeper of a great secret'
Wherever the keeper goes, the secret is gently diffused
Likened to a faint aroma of a beautiful essence
Only when like souls meet, a deep ecstacy is felt sharing the secret.. unable to withold
These souls depart yet long to reuinte once again
Amongst the masses they pose to be like the rest in belief and conduct
Their hearts are elsewhere; in a land far off
Will a time come, where all will be free to express..
Until so..they continue in silence
Their only regrett..
To reveal the secret to the one who is unfit
A great mistake indeed
Their secret is love.